Hello, my name is Randy, I am a prophetic person who saw God do things during my lifetime, that my church upbringing has said were impossible, no longer available. I do not call myself a prophet. My hope is to help you learn how to recognize and listen to the Holy Spirit and understand what God is telling you, by sharing my experiences with hearing in various ways, including dreams and visions. I have studied old and new testament prophecy since I was 16, have an associates degree from Harvest Bible University where I studied related subjects, and have studied under a few prophetic people, like John Wimber, Bob Fulton, Rev. Blaine Cook, Pastor Eddie Espinosa from 1987 to 2010. I was trained, mentored and released to minster by two prophets, Norman Rudy and Vern Matheson. I have ministered at Anaheim Vineyard, Blessed International, Oasis Church, Destiny Church and Harvest Bible University Santa Ana and Los Angeles in personal ministry.
Thank you for following my blog.