God say’s, “I’ve got this”, and that’s a prophetic word you can trust, because God has said it over and over again, in so many different ways, in his word, the bible.
Maze of Bizarre Circumstances
It’s not everyday, you see a prophetic word that contains Maze of Bizarre Circumstances in a single sentence, but that pretty well summarizes the challenges, obstacles, decisions, requirements of what some have been working their way through, including myself. I think Marsha Burns choice of words are quite accurate.

The Revival No One Expected
March 4, 2023 Dream
I had a dream I was at some kind of secular event. I knew it was secular because my brother was their and so was his daughter.
The building reminded me of a circus, because the seating surrounded a center stage.
Everyone were wearing bright festive colors of reds, yellow, green. Like colors you might expect to see in a show or flashy musical.
I was sitting away from my brother and niece with several leaders who had come with me. We had brought a group of kids we worked with who seemed to be up to 6th grade.
The large building was packed mainly with families. Similar to what you would expect if you went to a program at a child’s elementary school.
I knew a revival had been prophesied, and had memorized its contents over several years, but hadn’t ever seen it. Lots of pastors and churches had said they were having it and people would rush to this churches and bring in lots of money for guests speakers claiming to carry it. All of them saying a youth revival was coming.
Since the prophetic word I’d been hearing over time didn’t mention a specific age group I had always went along with the assumption it would be another youth revival too.
The people in this building were anxiously awaiting the event to begin, talking among themselves, kids asking questions and marveling at the people, and stage, etc.
I leaned over to my left towards someone who came with me and said, I wonder when its going to begin?
They shook their head in agreement. Then I noticed the environment shifted with a spot shinning down on to a little brown skinned girl as she stood up. She were around 7 or 8 years old, i presumed.
(There was no adult on stage or anyone I could see leading or introducing things. It just started)
Everyone was filled with anticipation, but no on knew what to expect. I didn’t if she were going to introduce as the M.C., talk or sing, but she was dressed in very glimmering and festive clothing.
The room fell silent as she began to more or less semi-talk yet sing in a poetic form and began walking around the circular path of the event area. Not on stage which was empty, but among the aisles of people.
Within seconds I knew what she were saying, as I began saying or singing along with her.
After the first “line or lyric”, the associate to me left quickly leaned into me as though about to stand up and stop it, saying, “She’s saying the prophecy”.
I said yes, she is singing the prophecy verbatim, better than even I could having had years to memorize it.”
The associate had risen half way out of their chair and said, “what should we do”, wanting to stop it.
I said, “Sit down and observe to see what happens next”. So they sat down again.
Because the building was full of normal people, not church people, they had no idea that the girl were quoting a prophecy, to them it just sounded like some kind of poetry that they figured would make more sense as this event unfolded.
Then kids all across the building stood up where they were or came into the aisles and began prophesying along with the little girl.
It looked and sounded a bit like a musical, except as they did this, the power of the Holy Spirit fell across the entire place like a giant bucket had been poured out. The kids began prophesying to their parents, older siblings and those they didn’t know through out the building.
I and others watched as what seemed like organized chaos fell everywhere as God healed deep wounds of rejection, bitterness, emotional pain, broken hearts and other soul issues being revealed by kids.
I could see gray clouds of darkness lifting off entire families consisting of the past few generations. The demonic clouds of oppression, depression, torment rising off and exiting the ceiling, and as that happened their clothing turned festive, their skin tones turned healthy and great joy fell over them and they began celebrating.
My niece came over to where I was sitting and said “uncle, we need to talk”. I of course told her o.k. She then went back to sit with her father and family.
In the dream my niece was around the age of the other kids, seven or eight.
I sensed that she needed to repent of some things.
Outside of the dream, my niece is around 36 and part of the X-Generation.
- There is a part that occurred before this, possibly a proceeding dream or earlier part I didn’t include. In both parts, kids were the theme.
- In both parts I was an adult working with children. (I worked with children from 1994 to 1997.)
- The building was not a church building. The difference is a church building focus’ all the attention on a pastor and those on stage. This building was round with a stage in the center, but that allows focus entirely on everyone in the building.
- No pastor or leader ever appeared on the stage.
- A single girl, no one would suspect or imagine, no one knew, began the event by speaking out a prophecy. Everyone who knew the prophecy expected a church leader, adult or at minimum a young adult to be the one to release it.
- It wasn’t a church event or religious sponsored event, it was a secular event full of families of different cultures and even religions.
- When the Holy Spirit fell, it fell on the kids, the unexpected, and because it fell on kids, no one could reject what was being said as the Holy Spirit exposed things revealed. They didn’t have any filters or defenses setup against kids.
- Families were set free. Entire generational lines of curses were broken off, from the innocent kids up to the eldest present family member.
How to hear from God
We recognize we are not trusting God, when confusion or fear is present
Trusting God isn’t natural
Trusting God is a decision, a choice I have to make every morning before my day begins and every night before I fall asleep.
Prophetic Word for end of 2022, New Year 2023
I know many of my friends and family have come through some really ugly days in 2022. Some of those will carry out and resolve in 2023.
I know some of you don’t believe in the prophetic, and I’ve never asked you to, because my beliefs don’t require you to. So let me give you this reflection.
If you belong whole heartedly to Jesus Christ as your savior, then no matter what you are going through there is no reason to doubt God’s sincere love for you in this time.
There is no reason to think that what you are going through is to big for God.
You belong to God, you are his prized possession .
Deuteronomy 7:6
“For you are a people holy to the Lord your God. The Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for his treasured possession, out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.”
All of the junk you’ve been going through, you get to come out on top at the end.
James 1:2-4
My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
It’s all part of the plan, to get you where you need to be, aligned with who you need aligned with, and to bring you into God’s good plan.
Jeremiah 29:11
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
What you are experiencing is normal, common if you are going to be a member of God’s Kingdom and Family.
1 Peter 5:9
“So resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being accomplished by your brothers and sisters who are in the world.”
Who is this HIM? Why should we RESIST HIM?
James 4:7
“Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”
Yep, that punk is still at work on thoughts, minds, using those around us to bring us into a mindset of defeat.
I have never met anyone who has a genuine relationship with Jesus the Messiah, who God ultimately didn’t bring them through whatever they were going through in the end. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t rough, that doesn’t mean everything was perfect, but they came through it, they became stronger, they had a story to share about it.
Philippians 4:19
“And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.”
When you don’t know what to do, or where to go, you do what they tell you to do if you get lost in a forest. You stand where you are and wait to be rescued.
Proverbs 3:5-6
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”
Psalm 37:23-24
“The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: And he delighteth in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: For the LORD upholdeth him with his hand.”
Psalm 23: 1-4 (GNT)
“The Lord is my shepherd;
I have everything I need. He lets me rest in fields of green grass
and leads me to quiet pools of fresh water.
He gives me new strength. He guides me in the right paths,
as he has promised.
Even if I go through the deepest darkness, I will not be afraid, Lord,
for you are with me.
Your shepherd’s rod and staff protect me.
Psalm 23 5-6 (GNT)
“You prepare a banquet for me, where all my enemies can see me;
you welcome me as an honored guest and fill my cup to the brim.
I know that your goodness and love will be with me all my life;
and your house will be my home as long as I live.”
Psalm 118:7
“The Lord is with me; he is my helper. I look in triumph on my enemies.”
Romans 8:31
What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?”
2 Corinthians 9:8
“And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.”
Hebrews 13:5
“Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”
Luke 12:24
“Consider the ravens: They do not sow or reap, they have no storeroom or barn; yet God feeds them. And how much more valuable you are than birds!”
PATIENCE is required. Unlike video games and movies, you can’t skip to the next level without completing the level your on.
Isaiah 40:31
“But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint”
Psalm 27:14
“Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!”
Lamentations 3:25
““The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him.””
Isaiah 30:18
“Therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you, and therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you. For the Lord is a God of justice; blessed are all those who wait for him.”
Exodus 14:14
“The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”
Psalm 37:34
“Wait for the Lord and keep his way, and he will exalt you to inherit the land; you will look on when the wicked are cut off.”
07-24-22 Trump Prophecies Update
Where are we at in the Trump Prophecies? Find out what has already happened, what is happening, and what will happen.
Will Donald Trump become 47 in the 2024 White House
Prophecy About 2024 White House, will 45 become 47?
I had a dream this morning, Gavin Newsom Recalled
UPDATED: October 12, 2021
9/1/21 I had a #Dream this morning that #GavinNewsom got successfully recalled in #California.

October 12, 2021 Update
The actual recall election of 2021 is now long over and this dream pre-recall election didn’t materialize as i recalled the dream.
As I reflect back on the actual dream now after the recall election failed, the dream is still relatively clear in my mind.
One thing I clearly recall during this particular dream is, that even during the dream it seemed more like some kind of court setting than an election setting. Then and now, that tone in the dream still bewilders me, about this dream. What was perfectly clear however, was that he was in office and was being forcefully upseated and removed.
As usual, I wrote out the dream with the best transcription and details of the events possible. There are often environmental tones, symbolism and impressions in my dreams that I may not take into consideration, be able to describe or may interpret different than what they actually represent within the dream. This was certainly true within this dream.
Even the activities and actions of the characters within this dream I had to interpret based on what I precieved they were doing, and i chose to do so based on the then up coming recall events at that time
So that is the way I originally wrote it out and posted it. But, I still felt immediately after the dream that perhaps it was later than the actual recall in the dream. I just couldn’t imagine or come up with an alternative setting or environment that matched what I was seeing in the dream in which a Governor might be forced out of office through what appeared to be a court setting.
As far back as i can remember, this is the first and only politucal theme dream I recall having at this point, and that made it stand out more to me upon waking up.
While these days I tend to place less prophetic confidence on dreams, when I was younger I had some very accurate prophetic dreams.
In 2021, “dream interpretation”, has become a very big conference and book selling event for churches to make money. My experiences with dreams dates back to as early as eight years old, up until around 2005 as far as training and studying. It’s only been since around 2019 that I began feeling a lot of additional caution and discernment is required, especially now that it’s part of the mainstream Charismatic and Pentecostal movements conferences and events trends.
i am 100 percent fully convienced God speaks within dreams, but there are much easier ways for God to speak than dreams. The problem with prophecy and dreams is either the exceptionally rare gift like Joseph in the bible is needed, or additional sources of confirmation is needed. Trying to decipher symbols for dreams is pretty much a waste of time in my experience, except when those symbols are unusual. For example in two prophetic dreams in my past, the dreams were pretty clear as far as what was happening, but a word was spoken within a conversation inside the dream, that single word in the dream was in a language I do not know and never heard before. Looking those words up in a translator app, the translated word fit perfectly within the dream, and was the key to making sense of the dream.
Another major prophetic dream that changed the course of my life at age 21, had immediate confirmations. I had the dream on a Saturday morning, and Sunday morning three different people i barely knew came up to me at different times and said, “I was on my way to church, when I God told me to tell you…. when I saw you. All three of those people said almost verbatim the same thing, which matched the dream. Seven years later, I found myself in Japan living the dream.
So when God speaks in dreams, 99% of the time there had been confirmation to support it via other people or events to remove doubt, additional following dreams that provided more details, or very clear instruction within the dream. Extremely rare have my attempts to self interpret dreams with symbols and dream dictionaries been helpful. But I still journal them in written or audio form, for future reference or reading.
This recall election dream didn’t have any confirmation from outside sources, key words in other languages, conversations, or other things that would lend it prophetic credibility in my mind. It was interesting, unusual content, a bit perplexing because of the setting in a court or legislative building, and right before the recall. It also stood out, because it was entirely observational in perspective, meaning I was watching it happen as opposed to being a participant in the dream. I decided I would do a basic journaling of it here on my Prophetic Things blog.
So I am leaving it up and not deleting it, despite the recall election having come and gone.
Today, Oct 1, 2021 in the waking world, Gavin Newsom introduced 720 new laws, a few of them very radical, like one might do if they thought this might be their last chance. It may very well be California, Governor Newsom’s last term, or he may get re-elected for another four years, in which case my removal of this particular dream could be premature.
Whether it ends up being a dream rooted in a night of “too much Pizza”, as the saying goes; or whether aspects of it eventually manifest at some later date, only time will tell.
I’m just not ready to remove this post either way. Especially being that it’s the first dream I’ve ever had of a political nature. I’m in no rush. Despite almost a lifetime of different Kinds of prophetic experiences, I still consider myself very much a student of the prophetic.
I learn by experience, there was never anyone mentoring me until my mid twenties up until my mentors passed away a few years ago. Even pastors have to learn after coming out of seminary. You don’t just instantly become an expert. It takes years and years to learn to “listen and hear”.
What follows is the original unedited version of the dream as I wrote it back on the first day of September 2021…
I was in a large meeting area with news crews and politicians and people. There was a table with people up front like a panel interview. They were tabulating the final results. It felt very serious and those at the table looked very intense and involved in what they were doing. They were taking quite a while.
I saw several politicians there who were known due to their frequent noise and presence within news media, like Elizabeth Warren, I saw one person who I thought might be Kamala Harris. Warren was walking around the back of the room, where I and a friend were standing. She looked agitated.
In some ways, it reminded me of when I worked for the California School district, when we had large union meetings.
When the announcement was made, it wasn’t what i expected. I expected lots of cheers and excitement. Instead it was more like how it feels in a court room when a verdict is given by an “honorable” judge at the end of a court case. I say “honorable”, because not all judges are honorable, some engage in political influence and bias. Those kinds of judges are not delivering justice or an honorable judgement, but are engaging in political interference with the power and authority provided to them under their elected or hired title.
People were talking among themselves, many people leaving in relief. Others were smiling and happy as they left. Others, like Warren were agitated, angry, determined to oppose, overturn, interfere with the will of the people of California. She was still saying the same false lies Governor Gavin Newsom has been speaking, trying to blame former President Donald Trump and fake their political agendas on his fall. But it was clear that the past president had nothing to do with the recall; Mr. Newsom simply is a poor manager and his leadership ruined many people financially, emotionally, physically, through a wide spectrum of unrelated decisions.
The room emptied pretty fast, a few stragglers talked in small circles. It was over, and #recallgavinnewsom was successful and now final.
There was a sense of great relief by those who had been impacted in life changing ways during the term of this governor.
Embrace your new normal
Our world has changed, it will never be what you previously knew before, how you grew up, how it used to work.
You’ll never make money the same way, live the same way, think the same way, have relationships exactly the same way, again.
Find your spot, in your new normal. Get comfortable with it. Adopt and accept it.
Make your new “normal’, the one you’re working with. Enjoy it. Some good things have come out of it, along with all of the bad things.
It’s a good day to reset. Reset your outdated old boundaries. Do things you couldn’t previously do, in ways you previously wouldn’t have had the boldness to do them.
You are stronger, you are wiser, you are a survivor.
Find your new “Normal” and embrace it.
[Banned On YouTube] Kim Clement’s Prophecy
Is YouTube actively engaged and practicing religious harassment and discrimination against content creators.
Welcome to the Veil – The unfinished Trump Prophecies.
Back in 2014, I was a stronger supporter of Rand Paul for president. I wasn’t impressed with the only other candidate Ted Cruz who looked to be another possible White House Occupier.
At the beginning of 2015, I was leaning towards Ted Cruz, as Rand Paul looked less likely to move forward as a successful candidate.
So I began scouring through prophetic words from prophets I knew who had a history of hearing prophetically about politics and elections, but I wasn’t finding anything.

Then I accidently came across this obscure video on YouTube by Kim Clement. I’ve known of Kim Clement through a church I was connected to in the 90’s. He had often ministered there.
He had also prophesied about a man appearing (Obama) out of no-where, an essentially unknown politician and becoming president for two years. There were a couple of things he prophesied about Obama in his final terms that didn’t happen under Obama, but ultimately happened under Trump later.
So I spent 2015 until 2020 researching and studying all the prophecies from the early 2000’s up until 2015 that pointed to a Trump Presidency, and I wrote them down and started posting updates on my (now deleted) Facebook account.
No one believed me, or at least wanted to believe me as I reposted the list of all the prophetic things that I had written into a short list of the prophetic words about the Donald J. Trump presidency.
Eventually, I got tired of posting updates, because no one really care until after things started happening and they were looking for answers. So instead, I just began watching and checking things off the list as they happened.

One by one, I checked them off in amazement. As a prophetic person, who has been mentored by some amazing prophets, I’d never observed the prophetic being transparently and in plain sight before, in a manner only read about in the bible history.
The election, those things done in Israel, the two impeachments, the government corruption, etc. all the way up until 2020. Even the loss by Hillary Clinton in 2016.
And now were in the veil. The first part of this particular prophetic word is about the “veil placed upon this nation”, by God. That is where we are in 2021, and many are worried and concerned about the socialism that has infiltrated every level of government, congress, senate, and the White House.

This appears to be a dark time, the church torn down and put onto the streets, closed in violation of our first amendment constitutional rights. Our voices and cries for justice ignored in the supreme courts of our states. Mayors, governors suing pastors and churches who refused to close their doors and abandon the teaching of the gospel.
The nation, and nations locked down in the name of a virus. Businesses closed and forced into bankruptcy at the command of elected leaders. Jobs lost because they were not considered “Important or Essential”.
What is the purpose of this veil over the land? This darkness? It to create faith!
But what some now call the Trump Prophecies, in retrospect, are far from complete. In fact, much of what is prophesied in this particular video, by Kim Clement, is exactly where we are post Trump Presidency.
In my years of observation of the prophetic, and particularly those by Kim Clement, the first comes last and the last comes first.

Supreme Court tosses out ruling that upheld Newsom’s church restrictions
That is certainly true in the first and original prophecies about Donald Trump becoming president and the brothers of goliath. Long before any of the other “prophets”, were talking about it. Long before it became the latest things to talk about in order to get book deals, tv guest spots or requested for the church network conference tours.
We have seen so many of the prophecies come to pass during four years. But we haven’t seen it all. It’s not done yet. Right now, we are in the veil. Originally in 2015, I thought the veil was about the previous years of frustration, many went through during President Obama’s terms, and the escalation and reversal of the years of racial progress that were undone, the promotion of ungodliness globally by Barack Obama during his terms. But here, now, in hindsight, that was nothing compared to what we have seen since 2020.
The good thing is, for those who have given up, those who think the prophecies have failed, they haven’t failed, it’s merely those many have turned their ear to for the prophetic. Those who didn’t hear in the first place, who only began making claims afterwards. But Kim Clement had prophesied about it years in advance, and in this particular video, the first part is where we are currently.
We are in the Veil of darkness over the nation, but listen to what happens in the time of the veil. In darkness faith grows, in despair faith grows. The churches were put outside of their sanctuaries, scattered at the head of every street. People become desolate and embrace ash heaps, stricken of fruits in the field. Those who had much, lost it. Then God say’s, “I am still in control!”. I will restore , I will restore the finances and resources lost. They will eat their delicates again.
America’s church is the most prophetically ignorant church on the planet. But many are waking up, many “pastors” and “leaders of the church”, are waking up. It’s hard not to, considering what has just happened, and it’s unwise to remain asleep where we are and through what is coming.
The media has, and will say whatever their master desires them to say, they are not led by a spirit of truth. Believe and put your trust in them and you will be led astray.

The Good thing, this veil of darkness will not be extended any longer than God deems necessary. We can expect it into 2024 at the very minimum.
While much of the Trump Prophecies have now been fulfilled, some of the most important things are still ahead, including what is coming for the White House and the corruption that surrounds the current White House and it’s existence.
Unlike what I did from 2015 to 2020, I am no longer going to break it down and list those things still ahead going forward. Why, because now that most have at least heard the name “Trump Prophecies”, it’s up to you to pay attention, up to you to start training yourself to hear, even if your church doesn’t believe in the prophetic.
I’ve listened to this particular key video for four years straight, sometimes daily, sometimes weekly, always monthly, because I not only wanted to know what was coming, but I needed to know. It took listening to it over and over and over, to begin to both hear and see what was coming and happening.
Now it’s your turn. If you want to know, listen to this video. Listen to it again if you need to. Listen to it over and over again.
But know, God is still in control. God isn’t done yet and the things that seemed to have given victory to socialism, Marxism and communism in American in current day America will not prevail. God will turn it all around, but not according to your timing, or my timing, it will be in his timing.
Prophetic Dream – Slow Down – May 2021
Settle those things you can settle now, before the next testing begins
The harvest is finally ripe
The Harvest is ripe, but the workers are few. Who can i send? Who will go into the fields to pick the harvest?
Beware of those in a position of authority
Beware of people who would use their relationship with you, your talents, their authority over you, to boost their own reputation and benefit. Not all of your connections were chosen, many occurred at birth, many were made for you for self-pleasing purposes; some were placed over you by positioning you were not involved with.
Exploitation by others, your desire for approval, surrendering your life purpose dreams and visions, are not from God.
You already have everything you need, to become everything God purposed for you to become.
But those in trusted positions over you will lead you astray, if you allow them to.
Proverbs 3: 5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge God, and He will direct your steps and path.
Don’t be moved by circumstances
This is only a test
This time in history is unprecedented and unpredictable, and so remaining calm, being flexible and trusting that God is still fully in control and engaged is necessary. Don’t be moved by circumstances no matter how irregular or challenging things become. This is only a test, repeat this is only a test.
Spiritual Warfare Part 2 – John Wimber
Video 3 of Spiritual Warfare Part 2 Audio Series of John Wimber
This week for those churching at home, is the third Audio Only Series video on John Wimber’s Spiritual Warfare Part 2. This is perhaps the best series John presented. A whole lot better than Part 1. With clear and relevant topics, application and information. A timely word in a season of modern day global chaos.

Part 1 – https://youtu.be/DrZdDyKHbWE
Part 2 – https://youtu.be/MkJ_URvQvuI
Part 3 – https://youtu.be/CReNVMXwCvQ
She Lives Desperate – A pandemic story
Then an atheist film director stood up and defended it. I was shocked. He got it. He’d been in a similar kind of life experience before, but with a different outcome. That’s when I knew, we had reached our vision.
Trusting God, When You’re Surrounded
When you’re attacked, you have four choices.
1.) Fight in your own strength
2.) Walk away. (If possible)
3.) Hire someone to fight on your behalf.
4.) Trust God to show you what to do.
Number 4 is always the hardest, and sometimes even encompasses 1 to 3. Our natural survival instinct is to fight or run, not to lay down our weapons of defense.
When Judas led the soldiers to arrest Jesus; Jesus had his friends buy swords, so that the prophecy of his arrest would be fulfilled. But he never authorized the use of weapons and rebuked Peter when he cut off the ear of a soldier. Jesus could have commanded legions of angels to his defense any second. Even a single angel could have wiped out that entire city.
This doesn’t make sense, when you’re enemies are pounding on your door. But how often does anything God does make sense. God’s logic is not “man’s” logic.
That is when faith and trusting God is required.
Proverbs 3:5-6
“trust in the lord, with all your heart, lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him, and He will direct your steps. “
Jeremiah 29:11
tells us not to fear. “Have I not commanded you to be strong and courageous, for the Lord is with you”.
It’s the fear about our future that grabs our heart. To that God said.
Matthew 6:25-34 25
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?
Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?
Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?
“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin.
Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.
If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you-you of little faith?
So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’
For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them.
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Ephesians 6:12
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
I hear a lot of criticisms about Joel Osteen, often by religious people and even pastors, but one thing I know is, Joel Osteen understands something most pastors I have encountered do not.
He understands that God uses difficult times, often insurmountable challenges to position us for what’s next.
You’ll hear the same from the “Cussing Christian”, as he calls himself. Steve Harvey the host of Family Feud, when he shares with his audience about how God brought him through homelessness, realizes that he is positioned in the entertainment field, only because he trusted God, and God positioned him through the insurmountable challenges he encountered, earlier in life.
When my mom passed away right before Christmas in 2019, an entirely unexpected event. As I helped a hospice nurse move my mother’s body, three hours after she was brought home to the house.
I was suddenly awaken to how much time we waste fearing and worrying about being abused, ripped off, cheated, betrayed, wronged, pleasing others.
My mom was an insomniac, she would be awake all night unable to sleep, worrying about who knows what. But there she was now, laying on a gerny, with myself and a nurse helping prepare her motionless body for the funeral limousine to arrive and take her body away.
She gained nothing from her years of worrying, other than just being tormented and discouraged. None of her worries came to pass, and if any of them did, none of them mattered anymore.
As someone who lost everything; years later I look back at what I was trying to hold onto, a reputation, a job for an employer who didn’t care about me, a dream. Yet thirteen years later, only now beginning to recover financially. I am 500% happier on the other side of it, despite the losses and pain I endured.
Not because it wasn’t the most challenging thing I had experienced so far, not because I’ve fully finacially recovered nor can recover those lost years, but because of freedom.
I have freedom. I have seen God bring me through it. I have freedom, because I can trust God in those areas of my life, that I used to worry about 24 hours a day.
That is not to say, all of my worries are gone. I have areas that my mind and heart tell me to be afraid, like being ripped off or cheated from something I had been promised or told to expect. But that occurs when my eyes are on the offenses, not on the God from which my provisions come from.
I become uptight, afraid, discouraged, frustrated and even silently grieved whenever I look at the offenses, instead of the God whose taken care of me through thirteen years of loss.
It’s times like that, I have to isolate myself from any and every source that speaks anything that stirs up disbelief, doubt, fear.
I surround myself with worship music, the word of God, and the second my flesh starts to worry, I put on a YouTube or Podcast of teachings that encourage me to trust God, to depend on God, to keep going.
I do this until my peace is restored. It’s only in the place of peace, that I can clearly hear and see how God is involved.
Historically, I’d run to pastors and church leaders for advice, prayer and counsel. I can say, I rarely found any long term relief doing that. In fact, many times I’d come away worse off, having received rather worldly kind of advice, or things they read in the bible but didn’t belive themselves.
Satan will do everything possible, use anyone available, to cast doubt again on God, to pull me back into the bondage of fear. Because fear is Satan’s domain. That is the same tactic Satan used in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. There were no people, so he used a serpent to cast doubt, to challenge what God had said.
Only surrounding myself in the presence of God, avoiding those who would pull me into doubt, putting on worship music and Godly teaching has ever brought me back into peace, sometimes taking weeks or months, depending on how big the battle is. I am unapologetic when it comes to avoiding those who would pull me into doubt or keep me in the place of doubt. The treasure of God, the Pearl of Great Value, is something I’ve gave my life to obtain, why would I surrender it for anything or anyone?
January 21, 2021 Prophetic Word for America
Lies were told in America to obtain a specific outcome. Those lies have locked some Americans into a specific pattern of thinking and belief that will block them from natural progession. Therefore, I will not bless those outcomes and I will expose the lies to bring freedom.
“This is a summarize of the prophetic dream I had this morning. It was posted first on Twitter, and therfore had to be shown to 280 characters to fit into a tweet. I will not be posting or recording the symbolism or contents of the dream, since it has been interpreted and summarized.”
The timing seems appropriate from a biblical and prophetic perspective. January 21, 2021, or in other words, 21, 21. A doubling of the prophetic number Twenty-one.
21 means, “Exceeding sinfulness, of sin.”
1/14/2021 Prophetic Word – Shackles
Just getting this right now: 1/14/2021 8:10 pm. It’s been rare to get a prophetic word while working on my projects. I was right in the middle of making a post to a Facebook Page that I had copied from another Social Media about the project, when suddenly this “word”, unexpectedly arrived.
Historically, (for me personally), these kinds of prophetic words that come while I am thinking consciously about other things or working, have been very major and significant. So here it is, hot off the press of heaven.
“The shackles that have held you captive in 2020 and years past, are now being broken off.”
Trump Impeachment 2021 Prophecy – It’s A Mistake
Sometimes the Prophetic will come as something as simple as hearing a song in my mind. There have even been times God had an extremely specific song get played over a stores sound system, as I am walking through the store talking with the Holy Spirit and praying.
God is very creative in how He communicates with us when we’re paying attention.
Even more creative when we’re overwhelmed by circumstances that we can not otherwise settle enough inside to hear what God has in mind.
Sometimes it may be a song I don’t listen to, or even like, but a key part sticks out and repeats in my head. It may have been 10 years or longer since I heard it, and suddenly I hear the tune and lyrics inside.
Now, about the current 2021 attempt to overthrow the president of the United States of America via constitutional Article 14, Article 25, or via impeachment of Donald Trump, I started hearing “It’s a mistake” by the Australian 1980’s band, MenAtWork.

All of the chaos going on in America and locally here in California has greatly blocked my normal prophetic flow. And it’s in seasons like this, that historically God had spoken to me through dreams. I don’t say, “dreams and visions”, because I’ve only had one vision in my life as of the beginning of 2021. So visions are not common to me, and while having some qualities to a dream, are very different.
Starting around 2018 I started hearing songs when the other ways I normally hear have become blocked. To reimphasise, that is the case presently.
Now I very rarely have heard specific things about politics, personally. But this day on January 13, 2021, it’s very clear that God is saying, “It’s a mistake”.
I’ve been hearing just the chorus repeating, which pretty much just repeats different tonal versions of, “its a mistake”.
I decided out of curiosity, to see what the rest of the lyrics to this Men at Work, song says, and in the context of song the Holy Spirit chose, the current situation, the accusations made against the president, it’s 100% a prophetic warning.
Other than “its a mistake”, that’s all I’ve gotten. And it’s for both parties. I have no idea about the outcome. And even if I were someway able to present it as a prophetic warning directly to those making this decisions. I suspect, that just like in old testament prophecy, the leaders would ignore it. Because God has already hardened their hearts.
So I’m just putting it out where I can, and God will confirm it across the globe, through other prophetic people, if this “It’s a mistake”, warning is correct.
Here are the lyrics to the whole song.

Mafia Style Spiritual Attack Waged Against You
I had the longest and most unusual dream this morning. Without going into details. I believe it represents the turmoil many are experiencing right now. A special demonic mafia has been assigned to cause coordinated disruption in all areas we have left unguarded, open, exposed, comprised in.
Some came into 2021 carrying offenses, some have already compromised to temptation in the name of isolation and weaknesses having been worn down over an extended season. Others have become angry with hatred in their heart. Some are bitter over real or perceived violations that have occurred against them.
As a result, an unusually coordinated spiritual attack is occurring, in which there is a head, and subordinate leader that encompasses multiple areas weaknesses, vulnerability, and compromise in your life.
What is this leader and their subordinates? Each area of SIN and SPIRITUAL VIOLATION has specific demons, agents against God assigned to them. Easy examples you already know about, Lying. Their are lying spirits. Another you are aware of is Sickness, their ate demons assigned to some forms of sickness.
Without going into a lengthy discussion about spiritual warfare and deliverance, to keep it simple and on point, like in the Kingdom of God there are different levels of authority. In Gods kingdom we have God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, the Angel of the Lord, etc. A higherarchy. Different assignments and areas of authority.
GOD’S enemy has initiated a mafia style assault intentioned to divide you, isolate you and create a wedge in your relationship with God the Father. If you’re finding yourself in this situation in 2021, continue reading.
The key to survival is to disarm the spiritual enemy. But since you are dealing with multiple attacks, in multiple areas of your life, you may not find the relief after trying to change what you were doing that opened the area of attack, as in the past. You may not even be completely aware of the area of compromise, because you’ve lived with it so long.
Confess and repent of all areas where you have harboured iniquity against anyone, even yourself. Repent and renounce all areas of compromise. Abandon areas of sin, remove yourself from situations with anyone who leads you, encourages, tempts or weakens your ability to guard your heart. This means reestablishing boundaries, and establishing boundaries. You can not guard your heart and mind, if your borders are open and compromised.
This may be in friendships or inappropriate relationships, it may be emotional relationships through social media, it may be in areas you and your spouse if you have one, are corrupted due to unforgiveness, resentment, selfishness on your part that has hardened your heart.
Cast off anything that is in violation of your relationship with God, repent, find ways to draw near to God, so God can draw near to you.
Change your environment with worship music, get away from your physical space if needed to pray in your car and talk alone with God, set aside some time to fast and pray if appropriate.
Ask God for help. Your prayer can be as simple as “GOD, Help”. Ask the Holy Spirit to show and reveal any area of compromise.
2021 The Year of Conclusions and Completion.
What we are talking about here, is God’s divine law and order. A shaking of the church. A reshaping of the church. A forced Sabbath Rest.
2021 New Year Prophecies, What is God Saying?
Out of the bitter, something sweet shall come
President Elect, becomes Presidential Limo Driver
The “president elect, vice president, limo driver” had an almost reflective tone about him, somewhat solemn and without regret of all the past pointless fires, destruction of property and racial discord.
Prophetic Alert for Remainder of 2021
The goal of God’s enemy for rest of 2021, is to cause individual offenses against you and to put you into a place of being offended, and to cause you to self isolate emotionally and spiritually.
Do not carry offenses forward into 2021
When you are isolated emotionally and spiritually, you become vulnerable to anything the enemy wants to do.
Guard your heart. Do not carry any offenses from 2020 into 2021.
Why are you troubled, why are you discouraged?
See I have placed many angels around you who intercede on your behalf, to keep watch over you, to protect you, and whisper to you from my mouth and from my heart. So that you may be encouraged in the days troubles.
Does Joe Biden Elect fit into the Trump Prophecies?
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris taking possession of the White House seem fully contrary and opposite of everything that has happened and already came to pass.
Civil war had broken out in America.
I was shot in my hand and the pellet was a small metal pointed wood screw that went all the way into my palm. I swore in disbelief and shock that all this was happening.
Is God Shaking The Seven Mountains?
Pay attention to this, its several years insight in the making. What is happening right now in America, has to do with the Seven Mountains. You may have heard of that term before.
The Seven Mountains are:
It seems like everything is currently out of control, but as I have continually said. over and over. God is very much in control.
In the 1980’s God began dealing with the “Mountain of Religion”. We saw pastors, televangelist, ministry networks shaken, as God began shaking the church. It started with the Evangelical church and has continued through all church denominations since then, going more recently into exposing the immorality within the Catholic Church.

Then in 2020 God put the Church of America into a “forced sabbath” rest, when God allowed the churches to be shut down and state Governors to violate and infringe on your 1st Amendment right of the US Constitution. Under normal circumstances, the US Constitution in intended to protect us from these kinds of government infringements restricting and inhibiting our right to gather and practice our religious beliefs. Even if your religious belief, is having no religious belief.

As far as the seven mountains are concerned, things had been relatively quiet, much like Yellowstone Park which sits of the largest known magma flow, waiting to erupt. It was only after the massive and expansive exposure within the Catholic Churches and other churches and denominations had been exposed, that the other “six mountains” began to tremble.
God always cleans the church, His church, before he cleans other areas society.
In the early 2000’s God began shaking the Government, which first peeked in 2013 with Edward Snowden a whistleblower contracted by the NSA. Snowden was only a low level person at the bottom of the mountain of Government. Three years later, the democrat party would be shaken with the election of Donald Trump, and the Republicans unsettled. Seven years following Snowden we began seeing the shaking at the highest levels of Government, including in the covert branches of government the NSA, FBI, DOJ and secret courts, even the White House operations that impacted the 2016 elections going forward into 2020.
During the presidency of Donald Trump, we have seen democrats and anti-Trumper’s within the US Congress attempt to sabotage an elected president from day one, continuing into the US Senate where democrats egregiously attacked and conspired against the Character and Morality of Honorable Judge, Brett Kavanaugh. In 2020, the same with Honorable Judge, Amy Coney Barrett.

We have observed judicial bias in how President Obama’s associates were treated without any legal convictions and a coverup from the top down, in the DOJ, FBI, CIA and Obama Administration. Not a single conviction for Hillary Clinton’s e-mail scandals that covered up leaks of Classified information. Yet for associates of 2016 president-elect Donald Trump, it is slowly coming out that the FBI lied in our faces as they covered up for the Obama administration, while convicting multiple associates of President Donald Trump for much less serious convictions. A quick glance through the Bible will quickly reveal that God takes justice very seriously and hates corrupt judicial systems.
Over and over again, we have seen the ninth circuit judicial courts oppose and block President Donald Trump as he acted within his legal allowance. We have seen other circuits of Federal Judges in various states overreach their authority and block President Donald Trump also, ultimately requiring the intervention of the US Supreme Court.
We have seen a democrat led US House Majority Congress threaten to impeach a 2015 President-elect Donald Trump before he even took office, and those same politicians keep their promise in 2019 with no factual evidence to support their claims.

Local Government
In 2020 we saw governors overstep their US Constitutional authority to make changes to the election process, and media attempt to coverup what appears to be fraudulent activities.
States have continually been bombarded with natural weather events to the magnitude never seen in modern times, comparable with events seen only in the days of ancient Egypt in the Bible. Some states being hit over and over again with an astronomical rarity of lighting strikes all across northern, California.

Why is northern California significant? northern California is hope to its state capital, its legislature, its senate, all which are a veto proof super majority of men and women of the democrat party. You may be thinking, this article is bias against the democrat party, but it isn’t, but try to tell that to CNN or the Washington Post. Facts are facts.
In Texas, flooding for example has hit some areas over and over again, while California has been on fire for several years now, but nothing like in 2020 during which the majority of the state was burning. Is the shaking over? Difficult to know, It’s very likely we will see more shaking ahead within local governments now, beginning within the actual government.

The Third Mountain – Education
At the end of 2020, the mountain of the Educational System started to violently tremble, first with exposure of a one sided crushing of mutual free speech on university campuses, then the exposure and convictions of the admissions scandal where money and influence weigh more then merit. The Mountain of Education is only simmering, eventually we’ll see some major shaking.

The Media is trembling and starting to shake like a volcano waiting to erupt.
We are in a season of great shaking within the Media currently as News Agencies and Social Media controlled by Tech Companies censor free-speech, under report or black-outs important information they oppose. The Media is shaking right in front of us.

We’ve also just gone through the shaking of the Arts and Entertainment Mountain. From the once beloved Bill Cosby, previously recognized as the black Mr. Rogers of America, being convicted of rape and molestations, to the king of the Arts and Entertainment World itself, Harvey Weinstein being convicted of similar. This is only a recent new tremor. It will be shaken as well.

The Seventh Mountain of Business
We’ve had shaking and tremors happening on the seventh mountain also. From an amazing financial and employment recovery under the leadership of Donald Trump, to the massive losses of businesses forced to close in democrat majority state governments. California in particular, responsible for leading much of the rebellion against God in the 2000’s in everything from marriage to drug use, is bleeding businesses and small businesses to other states like Arizona and Texas. This is just the beginning.

I’ve been watching this pattern since the 1980’s to see what would happen with the mountains, once I noticed the mountain of religion had began shaking. I knew then, like I know now, that God was first shaking the church, his bride. God always beings with cleaning his church of corruption, before he moves on to the other areas of civil society. Back then, I didn’t know anything about the “Seven Mountains”, it wasn’t a thing. I only knew what God was doing. I wasn’t sure what it would look like. Now all of us who have paid any attention at all know.
God is still in control
So if you’re afraid, and you belong to the body of Jesus Christ, take comfort in knowing, God is Very in control. Not absent in any way, but very in control. Everything happening is all part of the shaking of the Seven Mountains. What happens after the shaking and exposure is completed? Good question. I’ve never known, other than my expectation of a move of God’s Spirit across the places where it happens.
But take comfort knowing you will be ok, God is in control, and even if you’ve been influenced or persuaded in a particular direction, when exposure comes, and truth is revealed on a mountain, you may be surprised or as the current culture calls it, “Woke”.
The coming moral confrontation
October 22, 2020
In a dream this morning, a massive attempt occurred in which moral men and women became victims of a national reproach trying to discredit and invalidate their mortality.
It was such a big assault and attempt by false and lying government leaders who identify from both left and right, supported by the media, that it literally blew the doors and windows off of moral America with false accusations, lies and slander.

It spread into neighborhoods where people of various color challenged, insulted, attacked people of opposite color, but it was disunified, because genuine morality is color blind.
So there were moral people of multiple colors defending morality against the lies, pressure and manipulation of larger groups of single colors who were joined together against the people of morality.
This was an aggressive move within neighborhoods, and physical “in your face” kinds of local public confrontations occurred.
So God allowed the locks of the moral peoples doors and windows to be removed and uncovered (exposed) so their history and truth was laid bare.
The accusers were strong in the beginning, preaching false narratives, false history, pushing guilt, dishonesty and demanding reparations, but slowly began to weaken in credibility as God released the moral peoples history transparently.
The integrity of those pushing the false narratives could no longer support or prove their claims.
The history of the moral people revealed, exposed that the opposite of the trending political, social and cultural narratives was true.
Truth revealed the history of the good, kindness, compassion, mercy the moral people of past generations had done.
Though those whose hearts were corrupt chose to continue to believe and push their false narratives. They essentially became so weak they faded back into the background as exposure of truth and history of the moral people brought fresh revelation back into the national narrative, and it was celebrated as good.
Today is the division of light from dark, the turn around.

The number two in biblical prophetic terms means: Sign for witness, testimony, or unity.
The number 22 means: Light
2 is repeating six times giving us the number twelve: Divine Power, Rule or Authority; Twelve is Divine Power, Rule or Authority, making it the most important number in the system. It is the next number after 11, which is Judgment. Twelve is three times four: three is for resurrection, and four is creation. Therefore, 12 would be an expression of the rule of the tribute “God over Creation.”
2+2+2+2+2 = Government