This is only a test This time in history is unprecedented and unpredictable, and so remaining calm, being flexible and trusting that God is still fully in control and engaged is necessary. Don’t be moved by circumstances no matter how irregular or challenging things […]
Month: February 2021
Spiritual Warfare Part 2 – John Wimber
Video 3 of Spiritual Warfare Part 2 Audio Series of John Wimber This week for those churching at home, is the third Audio Only Series video on John Wimber’s Spiritual Warfare Part 2. This is perhaps the best series John presented. A whole lot […]
She Lives Desperate – A pandemic story
Then an atheist film director stood up and defended it. I was shocked. He got it. He'd been in a similar kind of life experience before, but with a different outcome. That's when I knew, we had reached our vision.